Going through your wardrobe, you realize that it could use some sprucing up. There are shirts in your closet that you haven’t worn in years, and you’re pretty sure you can’t fit your way into most of your old jeans anymore. You’ve been putting off getting new clothes because of the expense.

You don’t want to spend 60 dollars on a single shirt. If you adopt smart shopping tactics, you won’t have to. There’s always a way to get what you need and find a deal at the same time. Check out these smart shopping tips to learn how to save money on everything you buy.

1. Make a List and Stick to It

Before you head to the store, make a list of the things that you need. Take this list to the store and stick by it. Don’t toss anything in your cart that isn’t necessary.

This will stop you from impulse buying and spending way more than you wanted. Now, we’re not saying that a little whimsy isn’t okay now and again.

What we are saying is to get the things that you need first. After that, if you have some room leftover in your budget you can do some impulse shopping.

If you don’t want to be confined to a list, create a monthly budget. That will give you a little more freedom to get what you want as long as you stay within the numbers.

2. Buy Things That Fit You

You would think that buying things that fit is an obvious tip, but you would be surprised at the people who fail to do this. Always try things on in the dressing room before you put them on the counter.

If you can barely fit yourself into that skirt that you were eyeing, don’t buy it. There’s a good chance that it won’t fit you at all in a few months.

Don’t buy something that’s going to fit you when you lose 6 pounds because it’s on sale. That’s too much of a commitment to make. The general rule of thumb is if it’s comfortable when you wear it in the store, it will be comfortable when you wear it out on the town.

3. Get Your Stuff on Sale

There’s an item that’s coming out soon that you’ve been eyeing. When it’s finally released, you pick it up right away. A few weeks later, you see that it’s on sale.

You could have saved a whole 10 dollars on it. We understand that 10 dollars isn’t a lot, but 10 dollars is 10 dollars. It’s hard to hold back when you see something that you really want, but trust us, waiting for it to go on sale is worth it.

If you buy everything at Wal-Mart, you can use this tool to see exactly when the things you want are on clearance. It makes shopping on a budget a little easier.

4. Use Cash

When you take your credit card into the store with you, it’s easy for things to get out of hand. You lose track of how much you’re spending until the cashier rings everything up.

That’s why you should always pay in cash. When you have physical money to play around with, you’re more likely to budget instead of putting everything in your cart that catches your eye.

5. Price Comparisons

No matter if you’re browsing in a brick-and-mortar store or in the comfort of your own home, you’ll be able to do some serious clearance shopping if you make price comparisons.

There are apps out there that let you scan a barcode or search for an item. It will then give you a list of stores that carry the item and tell you how much they charge for it. This way, you can grab it from the cheapest place.

6. Quality Over Quantity

If you’re shopping on a budget, it’s tempting to head to your nearest department store and pick up a bunch of clothes. The only problem with that is the quality isn’t that great.

Those jeans will probably rip in a couple of weeks, and you’ll have to buy new ones. That’s why you should always opt for quality over quantity. You might have to pay a little bit more for the clothes that you want, and you won’t be able to buy as much in a single trip, but you’ll get way more use out of them.

7. Coupons and Promo Codes

Going off our last point, if you want to be able to get a little more in a single trip, do yourself a favor and take advantage of coupons and promo codes. If you do a lot of shopping online, apps like Honey will be your best friend.

If you download the extension, it will automatically search for coupons when you’re checking out. Some apps will give you cashback rewards when you use them.

If you tend to do more of your shopping in person, ask the sales reps in your favorite stores about loyalty cards. These cards accumulate points that you can spend on things that you want or need.

Smart Shopping Tips That Will Save You Money

Shopping is all fun and games until you go to check out and get your total. Prices can add up pretty quickly, which is why you need to start using smart shopping tactics.

Take advantage of coupons, make a list of the things you need before you go out, and don’t forget to set a budget. In the case of clothes shopping, less is more. Opt for quality over quantity or you’ll be shopping again in a few months.

Are you looking for more ways to shop for the things that you love? Check out our blog daily to read more articles like this one.

Check out this infographic below to learn more about smart shopping hacks!